Updated 3/22/2024
CDPH updated its guidance to remove the 5-day isolation recommendation for the general public, including in schools and child care.
Alameda County is aligned with state isolation guidance for the general public:
Stay home if you have COVID-19 symptoms, until you have not had a fever for 24 hours without using fever reducing medication AND other COVID-19 symptoms are mild and improving.
In cases where individuals who test positive exhibit no symptoms, no isolation is recommended. However, should symptoms arise, the criteria outlined above will be applicable.
Mask when you are around other people indoors for 10 days after you become sick or test positive (even if no symptoms). You may remove your mask sooner than 10 days if you have two negative tests at least one day apart.
Avoid contact with people at higher-risk for severe COVID-19 for 10 days. Higher-risk individuals include the elderly and those who live in congregate care facilities.
Seek Treatment. If you have symptoms, contact a healthcare provider as soon as you test positive, especially if you are at higher risk for severe COVID-19
Thank you for partnering with us as we strive to maintain a healthy and safe environment at Yu Ming. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at COVID@yumingschool.org. We will respond to you as soon as possible.